The modern manufacturing processes in automotive factories present unique fire hazards, from handling flammable liquids to testing batteries. Heat generated by the equipment in these areas, as well as flammable liquids, make these spaces susceptible to fires – and perfect for the Marioff HI-FOG® water mist fire suppression system.

HI-FOG is used in numerous automotive manufacturing plants in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa. The automotive water mist fire suppression system is often used to protect engine test cells, electric car R&D laboratories, climate chambers and vehicle component manufacturing, as well as paint shops – including automotive paint lines and rooms with flammable liquids.

The HI-FOG water mist fire suppression system offers fire protection for both your employees and your car manufacturing process. A high performance and quality automotive fire suppression system ensures minimal interruptions and downtime in the case of a fire. We help keep people and operations safe.

A flexible fire suppression system for automotive manufacturing processes

The HI-FOG system can easily be installed in new buildings and paint lines, or integrated into an existing system. Our automotive fire suppression system can expand as your business grows.

HI-FOG for key production areas:

  • Automotive paint lines
  • Paint and solvent storage rooms
  • Paint mixing rooms
  • Engine and battery test cells

HI-FOG for key factory infrastructure:

  • Administration areas
  • Electrical and data rooms
  • Control rooms
  • Emergency generators
  • Transformer rooms

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