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It's official! Carnival Cruise Line and Marioff sign HI-FOG® Crew Training agreement

Carnival Cruise Line and Marioff sign HI-FOG® Crew Training agreement

World’s largest Cruise ships are protected from fire with the HI-FOG water mist fire protection system as the primary firefighting system on board. Carnival Cruise Line is a major international cruise line with headquarters in Doral, Florida and a subsidiary of Carnival Corporation & plc. To increase Safety standards onboard and to ensure that new joiners and experienced crew members have the basic and advanced skills and competences meeting ship safety standards, Carnival Cruise Lines signed agreement for Crew training by HI-FOG experts in August 2024.

Hands-on and Classroom training modules are depending on ship size, HI-FOG system installed and type of training module and vary from 1 to 6 days per ship.

Based on the SMS familiarization requirement (under ISM 6.5), Marioff offers tailored HI-FOG Crew Training with following objectives:

  • HI-FOG familiarization
  • HI-FOG emergency response
  • HI-FOG Lifecycle maintenance

The HI-FOG familiarization training focusses on crew members who need to know and identify the HI-FOG components and understand the HI-FOG features.

The Emergency response training focusses on crew members who need to be able to safely operate the equipment, supervise and perform emergency response.

The Life cycle maintenance training is for crew members who need to plan Lifecycle maintenance of the high-pressure water mist system.

Target groups:

✓ Fire patrol team
✓ Galley teams
✓ Engine ratings
✓ Deck ratings
✓ Officers

We're beyond thrilled with this milestone extending our mission to protect people, property and business around the world!

For more information about increasing safety standards on your fleet and creating a tailored HI-FOG crew safety training plan by HI-FOG experts for your crew, please contact Karel Knevel, Manager, Sales Global Training at Marioff at: [email protected] or: [email protected]

A happy man looking at the camera by the window. A happy man looking at the camera by the window.
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