Steam turbine generators are critical equipment for industrial processes and power generation. Over time, the industry has become more aware of the fire hazards related to them – for example, failures in lube oil piping or turbine bearings.
Steam turbine fires and unexpected outages carry immense costs. Without a steam turbine fire protection system in place, typical damage may incur a large percentage of unit cost, even before calculating the damage to nearby auxiliary equipment. This increased awareness has led to more widespread acknowledgement of the need for additional fire protection systems for steam turbines.
Water Mist: The small, high-pressure droplets produced by HI-FOG vaporize and extract heat rapidly from flames – effective for extinguishing spray fires.
The Marioff HI-FOG® water mist system is an FM Approved fire protection system for steam turbine fire protection, offering unparalleled performance and significantly less water usage compared with traditional technologies.
Using less water translates into savings when building the fire water reservoir and organizing fire water drainage. Because the HI-FOG system only uses pure water as an extinguishing agent, it is a safe technology for both personnel and equipment. (Source: FM Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 7-101 - Fire Protection of Steam Turbines and Electric Generators)
In addition to steam turbine protection, a HI-FOG pump unit can be used to protect related spaces against several other hazards simultaneously. The use of a well-designed, active fire protection system for steam turbines can prevent the catastrophic costs caused by fires and unexpected outages, ensuring peace of mind and business continuity.