Various levels of standards govern water mist fire protection systems used in buildings and industries. There are regional, national, and local standards to ensure that water mist systems are safe to use and efficient against fire. Even though there are no unified international guidelines for water mist systems used in buildings and industries on land, some standards are recognized widely across the world, such as the NFPA 750 for water mist systems.

European standards for water mist systems
  • CEN (European Committee for Standardization)
    • EN 14972 is the European standard for water mist systems. It covers water mist system installation, maintenance, and fire testing guidelines.
    • EN17450 is the European standard for water mist system components
  • VdS (Verband der Sachversicherer)
    • VdS, an association of insurance companies based in Germany, is a well-known authority in the European water mist business.
    • VdS 3188 sets guidelines for design, installation, testing and maintenance of water mist systems.
North American standards for water mist systems
  • FM (Factory Mutual)
    • FM is a widely recognized authority in the water mist industry, and FM standards are accepted worldwide.
    • FM 5560 provides a broad range of fire test procedures for different applications collected under one approval standard.
    • FM Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets cover installation, testing, and maintenance guidelines for water mist systems.
  • NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)
    • NFPA 750 provides general guidelines for installation, testing and maintenance of water mist systems. It requires a performance-based testing of water mist systems, which means that water mist systems must be tested against real fire in application-specific test situations.
    • Although NFPA standards are US-based fire safety codes, they have become widely accepted standards globally.
Other water mist standards
  • AS 4587:1999 in Australia. “Water mist fire protection systems-System design, installation and commissioning"
  • GA 1149:2014 in China. “Water mist extinguishing equipment”
  • GOST R 51043:2002 in Russia, “Automatic water and foam fire-fighting systems. Sprinklers, spray nozzles and water mist nozzles. General technical requirements. Test methods”